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System Design Weekly 011: May 2021

Highlights Pinterest: Shallow Mirror Kafka MirrorMaker is a tool to replicate Kafka clusters across different regions. Data from different Source Brokers is transferred to MirrorMaker which then sends this data to Destination Brokers in other regions. Pinterest started experiencing scalability issues at some point. Monitoring showed some CPU and memory spikes. During the investigation, it became apparent that most of the CPU time was spent on message decompression and recompression. Memory consumption was often 2-10 times bigger than the actual data being sent.

System Design Weekly 010: May 2021

Highlights AWS: Diving Deep on S3 Consistency Werner Vogels, CTO at Amazon, shares the journey of building strong consistency for AWS S3. When S3 was launched 15 years ago in 2006, it was simple storage for files, backups, etc. The eventual consistency model was more than enough for such purposes. This means that sometimes API would return an older version of the object that was not yet propagated through the nodes.